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Curb Appeal Roofing Construction is Expert at Roofing New Projects and Reroofing - Even Repairs in Oklahoma

FAQ: Insurance & Hail Damage

Q: What if the Insurance Company Denies, Delays or Low-Balls?
example of roof damageA: In my experience, most of the times the insurance company does the right thing. Sometimes, the insurance company will have an “independent” engineer or roofer come to inspect the roof. That “independent” engineer or roofer may say that the roof has no damage...the insurance company may deny the claim ... The insurance company’s “no,” is not the end of the inquiry…it is just the beginning.

Click here to find out what to do if your insurance company says "no".


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And what to look for to see if your roof is leaking. 

With all the heavy rain, strong winds, and tornadoes we've been having in Oklahoma, we thought we'd add this information to our website to help you determine if your roof is sound. We live here - and we get it!

Some of the common causes of roof leaks:

Taking care of these immediately can be the difference between doing a quick, inexpensive repair and a major, expensive restorationb2ap3_thumbnail_17414556_s.jpg

  1. Valleys are Leaking: The valleys of a roof are where 2 sections or planes of a roof meet. If they are not sealed properly, rainwater can get inside the roof as the water runs down the valleys. Look for wet spots that run along the seams/valleys of your roof. Lots of rain or ice can cause the sealing to erode. These are often the reason behind roofing leaks. Fixing this is a complex process, so make sure you call a roofing professional to help you.
  2. Cracked Flashing: Flashing is a vital part of your roof that creates a water-resistant barrier. These are installed under your shingles and at the joints of your roof to create water run-off sections. If you see any cracks, perhaps the material used to seal the flashing can have corroded. It’s important you have this fixed ASAP. So, check your flashing on a routine basis. Look at the flashing around your chimney, vents, and roof sections.
  3. Vent Booting is Cracked: Your roof vents are the small, pipe-like objects sticking up out of your roof. They release excess moisture from your attic and home. If this area leaks, you may see dark spots and smell mustiness. What has probably happened is that the flashing around the vent or the robber boot around it has broken or decayed.
  4. Broken Shingles: This can be pretty easy to see. Look for missing shingles (noticeable by different colored patches between shingles). You may even see them around the exterior of your building/house after a heavy storm, such as we get here in Oklahoma. Here’s a handy idea: when you get your roof redone or repaired, ask for some extra shingles. In this way, you’ll have them on hand for emergencies.
  5. Improperly Installed Skylights: We see this often. And, it’s not necessary! This occurs when you see wet spots around the inside of your skylight. This can happen from problems with the flashing, poor measuring and fitting of the skylight, or even decayed insulation around the edges of the skylight.  
  6. Moisture in Your Attic: We often see attics that are not properly ventilated, particularly if any external vents have been covered with plastic bags in the winter! It is critical that you keep your attic well ventilated ALL year ‘round. We have a blog article about proper roof ventilation and why it’s so critical. Suffice it to say here in this brief list, if you smell anything musty in your attic or see moisture or mold inside it, chances are that condensation has been trapped inside your attic. Make sure all of your roof vents are working properly. We install some very efficient roof vents to help protect your home! Also, if you do see mold inside the home, you may need to call a professional to look at it and test it.
  7. Ice Dam Buildup: We’ve talked about these in other blog posts. An ice dame is ice that forms at the edge of your roof. It prevents water from running off of your roof. Even the weight of the ice dam can damage your roof! Ice dams form when the heat from your building causes snow to melt, so that it runs down the roof. When this melted water meets the below freezing exterior air, it refreezes once it hit’s the roof’s exterior edge. You can purchase a roof rake and remove the lower area of snow from your roof edge. This is always a good idea! Or, if you do see some ice forming at the edge of your roof, you may want to treat it with an ice melt product that is specifically made for your roof.
  8. Cracked Chimney: Because the mortar is just a mixture of water, sand, and cement, it can erode pretty easily in our Oklahoma weather conditions. If you see any cracks, holes, loose flashing or shingles near the roof, cracks between the bricks, any water inside or near your fireplace, or any other signs of wear, we recommend you immediately call a professional to handle the repairs – especially before using the chimney again!
  9. Clogged Gutters: While clogged gutters may look innocent, they can cause roofing problems. Look for leaves or debris sticking out of your gutters and/or clogged or slow running downspouts. Since the entire purpose of a gutter is to help water move away from the roof and building, blocks mean that the water isn’t moving away properly. It can cause water to pool on the roof or seep through small cracks. We often put screens or gutter guards to protect the gutters from debris, but you’ll still need to clear them out from time to time. We also recommend you install specially made screens for the top of your downspouts. We recommend you clean your gutters at least twice a year.
  10. Wear and Tear from Heavy Traffic on the Roof: This is usually reserved for commercial roofs that have a lot of equipment on them, but with the growing popularity of flat roofs for homes, we want to include home owners in this brief discussion. This one actually makes a lot of sense: if you have heavy foot traffic on your roof, it may cause de-grading of the roofing product, resulting in leaks. We recommend all commercial and residential flat roofs be inspected by a professional each year. This can save you a lot of money!

We hope these tips will help you keep your roof in the best shape possible.

We also know that May weather in Oklahoma can be VERY hard, if not disastrous, on a roof. As always, if you have any concerns about your roof, please call us! We’d be happy to advise you and help where possible.


Hits: 24451

SureNail® is a shingle formulated to be resistant to

uplift and damage in up to 130 mile per hour winds!

That's right: up to 130 miles per hour!

Owens Corning Top of the House Certification

We at Curb Appeal Roofing Construction often use a product from Owens Corning called SureNail® Shingles.  Why do we often use SureNail Shingles? Read on: you'll be impressed.

Owens Corning™ has developed a patented SureNail® Technology that provides exceptional wind resistance. SureNail® provides wind resistance at winds up to 130-MPH.

Curb Appeal Roofing Construction is one of the few Owens Corning Certified Installers in the entire state of Oklahoma! (put picture). In order to receive this designation, Curb Appeal must install all Owens Corning products according to THEIR high specifications. This ensures you receive their warranty on products installed.

Hits: 20021

WeatherGuard® Technology     ForOC.com_OC_12_RF_WeatherGdTech-4C-cropped_48.jpg

Impact resistance from the integrated polymeric backing feature of our patented WeatherGuard® Technology, which helps achieve one of the industry’s highest ratings, UL 2218, Class 4.

WeatherGuard® HP Shingles guard your building against the impact of an Oklahoma Storm!

These beautiful shingles by Owens Corning are impact-resistant and have been specially engineered to face some of Mother Nature’s worst and still look their best! Owens Corning calls them: "Beauty meant to last a lifetime.". According to Owens Corning, what makes them durable includes patented composite construction, spunbond, impact-resistant webbing at the shingle base to achieve superior performance and Tru-Bond® sealant for maximum holding power during high winds.
WeatherGuard. You can learn more about this product for Oklahoma roofs at their website: (but remember Curb Appeal Roofing Construction is a certified Owens Corning installer!)

Hits: 20089

Posted by on in Hail Damage

Oklahoma Roofing Contractor Certified

Oklahoma Roofing Contractor Certified

Pictured Above: Siding Damage

Some hail damage is easy to spot – like when it knocks holes in your pool screen, or dents the metal or lead boots on your roof.

DEGRANULATION - But, just as significant for the integrity of the roof is hail damage that can only be seen close up. Often when hail hits a roof it causes what is known as “degranulation” of the shingles. Degranulation can only be seen on close inspection by someone who knows what they are looking for. When hail causes degranulation, the integrity of the shingle is compromised, and the serviceable life of the shingle is significantly shortened. This warrants roof replacement under your homeowners insurance policy.


Guide For Hail Damage of a Roof

Oklahoma Roofing Contractor Certified Oklahoma Roofing Contractor Certified
Wood Shake Damage Modified Bitumen Damage

If you are a homeowner that has recently been through a hailstorm and would like to inspect it for hail damage, the following quick guide will give you a basic understanding of what to look for.

Inspect your roof promptly after a storm: Any storm or wind alone can damage a roof, so the sooner you inspect the roof after a storm, the better you can avoid leak damage inside the home. If an insurance claim for roof damage is warranted, you'll be able to provide better data to support your claim.

Inspect your roof gutters and the ground: before and after a storm. If the gutters were clean and after the storm they are loaded with mineral granules you have strong evidence of roof wear and damage due to the hail storm.

Free Inspection: If you spot a potential issue during your annual checkup or suspect any sort of wind or hail damage after a severe storm, you may always contact Curb Appeal Roofing Construction for a free roof inspection. Just call us at 405.601.9222.

Our trained representative can discover if there is hidden damage. We can distinguish between hail damage from natural wear and hail damage from a storm. We'll also educate you on your findings. And, we'll make recommendations as to whether a repair is needed and/or call to the insurance company is necessary. Read on for more useful tips and information!

Oklahoma Roofing Contractor Certified Oklahoma Roofing Contractor Certified
HVAC Hail Damage TPO Damage


Size of Hail and Examples of Damage

If you were around during the hailstorm and have an idea of the size of hail that fell, it will give you a basis for what kind of roof hail damage to expect. Here's some examples of damage resulting from different sizes of hail.

Less Than 1 Inch: When smaller than an inch (or about the size of a quarter) hail can inflict damage to asphalt roofing. Most often though, this damage can be more difficult to identify. You may require the assistance of a trained roofing inspector to accurately identify any hail damage.

1 Inch – 2 Inch: If the hail size is between 1 and 2 inches (or between quarter and the size of an egg) hail damage should be more easily seen on the asphalt shingles themselves, as well as any soft metal on the roof.

Greater Than 2 Inches: If any of the hail is greater than 2 inches, it will almost guarantee some level of hail damage to an asphalt roof. If this has happened to your property, contact your preferred roofing or construction contractor for a full assessment of damages. Notify your insurance company.


Hail Damage to An Asphalt Roof

Oklahoma Roofing Contractor Certified Oklahoma Roofing Contractor Certified
Hail Hits on Asphalt Shingles Closeup of Hail Damage

When searching for the hail damage to an asphalt roof, look at the following susceptible areas first:

Oklahoma Roofing Contractor Certified
Soft Metal Damage

Soft Metal: First, search for damage to any soft metal on the roof. Check roof vents, skylights, flashing, metal valleys, gutters and any other soft metal on the roof. Soft metal damage will not only show signs of hail, but also indicate the size of the hail that damaged the roof.

Ridges: The very peak of a ridge (or ridge cap) will take a hail hit directly, as opposed to the glancing blows on the main pitched roof slopes. Also - due to their location, ridges are more susceptible to damaging hail hits, regardless of the direction from which the hailstorm came.


It's a good idea to inspect your roof at least annually. We recommend you do it before and after the severe weather seasons in Oklahoma. In this way, you can find and fix damage before it becomes a more costly leak.

You can call Curb Appeal Roofing Construction to help you inspect your roof. Remember, we offer free roof inspections. 405.601.9222

Hits: 8200

Experience + Expertise + Certification + Licensed = Client Satisfaction

Our company has well over 35 years as a roofing and siding contractor in Edmond, OK. Curb Appeal Roofing Construction Company is one of a few GAF certified roofing companies that has been serving the roofing and exterior construction needs of Oklahoma. Throughout our construction history, Curb Appeal Roofing Construction has remained focused on customer satisfaction and delivering the highest quality construction product available from repairs to new construction and replacement. It is for this reason Curb Appeal Roofing Construction has become a roofing leader among Norman, Moore, Stillwater, Edmond and Edmond Roofing Companies. Our licensed, Insured and Certified roofers service roofs throughout Oklahoma. We do all types of Roofs, Siding, Gutters and Fencing.