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Curb Appeal Roofing Construction is Expert at Roofing New Projects and Reroofing - Even Repairs in Oklahoma

FAQ: Insurance & Hail Damage

Q: What if the Insurance Company Denies, Delays or Low-Balls?
example of roof damageA: In my experience, most of the times the insurance company does the right thing. Sometimes, the insurance company will have an “independent” engineer or roofer come to inspect the roof. That “independent” engineer or roofer may say that the roof has no damage...the insurance company may deny the claim ... The insurance company’s “no,” is not the end of the inquiry…it is just the beginning.

Click here to find out what to do if your insurance company says "no".

Curb Appeal Roofing Construction

We are an Oklahoma based roofing and construction company with over 35 years of experience.

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Owens Corning makes Duration® Premium Cool Shingles – Solar Reflective Shingles for Beauty and Energy Efficiency

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These beautiful shingles reflect solar energy, helping to decrease the amount of heat transferred to a home’s attic. This also helps reduce the energy load on your AC system! Duration® Premium Cool Shingles are ENERGY STAR® rated and feature unique lighter colors have that matching hip and ridge shingles. They are also offered in Owen’s patented SureNail® Technology. This also reduces the environmental impact by decreasing CO2 emissions, since less energy is needed to cool your building. And, thanks to the solar-reflective granules, the life of your roof is extended!

Above and below, you can see that the shingles reflect light and are beautiful!

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Cool RoofThese shingles from GAF are highly reflective and help reduce temperatures in your attic. Cool roofs can save homeowners and business owners up to 7-15% on total cooling costs. (Depending, of course, on other factures such as climate, HVAC, type of roof, utility rates, etc.  

These shingles have specially designed roofing granules that have greater reflective properties than traditional shingles. This help keeps heat out of your attic and keeps you cooler all summer long. Additionally, the Timberline® Cool Series® Shingles are made with GAF’s patented StainGuard® algae protection!

How do they work? The cool roof minimizes the solar heat gain of a building by first reflecting incoming sun rays and then quickly re-emitting the remaining absorbed portion. What’s more attractive for home and office owners, these Oklahoma roofs can be cool roofs without having to use white granules! The granules actually reflect the light to lower the roof temperature and help you feel cool.

Below are 3 homes using these cool roof shingles.

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Cool reflective roof for Oklahoma by GAF in Antique_Slate.jpg

Hits: 47330

Urban Heat Island Effect

This information is important in regards to the durability and length of live for your Oklahoma roof during our hot summer times. And it is especially important this summer of 2015, due to the amount of rain we’ve had and the humidity in the air.

We’ve rewritten this information from the EPA website (, at which you can learn even more about this. Our goal in giving you this information is to help you ensure that your roof lasts as long as possible, as it is expensive to replace. And, as we simply do not want our roofs to degenerate and leak!!

What is an Urban Heat Island? Urban areas have many surfaces that are not permeable, such as concrete and roofs. Undeveloped areas do, such as open land and vegetation. This causes the urban regions to become warmer than their rural regions around them, forming something called an “island” of hotter temperatures.

How does this occur? On hot, sunny days, the sun can heat exposed urban surfaces to temperatures that are much hotter than the air! Shaded and even moist surfaces can be cooler. This increase in temperature increases even more in the evenings, from the slow release of heat from the structure and roof.

How does this affect you and your home? It can affect the quality of your life and the materials experiencing this heat. For example, our energy consumptions and costs increase, as does the pressure on the electricity grid. Additionally, there are elevated emissions of air pollutants released, promoting formation of ground-level ozone. These hotter temperatures during the day and night, combined with higher level of air pollutants, can affect the respiratory system and other health systems. They also negatively affect the materials on your roof.

What can you do to help this situation? We recommend installing cooler roofing systems, excellent roof air circulation, and using specific roofing products that are best to use in Oklahoma.

For more information, please call us at 405-601-9222. We’re here to help you protect your roof and building!

Hits: 44845

Here’s some information about your attic – to help you understand the need to keep it healthy.

The attic keeps the heat in or helps it leave you house. It also helps to support your roof. Remember: heat rises!! If your attic doesn’t have proper ventilation (and insulation), the heat in the attic can actually migrate down into your house! When the sun beats down on your roof, the attic fills up with hot air. Now, a really, well ventilated attic will have features that help release that heat out through the vents and other systems. But, if your roof is that is NOT properly vented, the attic fills up with air and it goes down into your house! After all – it HAS to go SOMEWHERE! Then, add to this – consider many hot days in a row: well, the heat builds up and just isn’t able to dissipate.

So, what do we do, typically? Well, if you are like us – we turn up the AC! OK, remember all that moisture we’ve received? Well, this means that your attic air is full or HOT MOIST air – it’s all hanging around there. Because it’s just sitting there, it will condense on your walls and roofing materials. Next comes mold and mildew – a very expensive condition to repair!

If you will have us check your roof to make sure it is properly venting your attic, this can help reduce damage to your attic and roof – AND reduce your AC bills!

Your goal: have a good, uniform flow of air throughout the attic. This carries the hot moist air outside. And, the reason to have it uniform: your roof is less likely to develop hot spots or spots of heat and mold/mildew. (YUCK). Make sure the ventilation is properly placed around your roof so the air can flow through it!

Well, we hope you are enjoying your summer and want you to remember that we are here to serve you. Please call us so we can help you!

Hits: 19953

Did you know that high attic heat can actually BAKE your shingles, causing them to age more rapidly then they should?

Additionally, excessive moisture in your attic can cause damage to it's structure and even lead to mold problems.


Hits: 19610

We remember the days when it was “Cool” to “be cool” or say “cool”. OK, perhaps we are dating ourselves, but for some things, being cool is still COOL! Let’s look at how having a cool roof will keep make you “more cool”. (All puns intended!) This information is from the website. ( ).

It gets HOT, HOT, HOT here in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in the summer time. This summer, combine this with the added moisture from all of the rain, and it will seem even hotter! This can negatively affect Oklahoma roofs, along with your pocket book and health. Here’s how.

First, what IS a cool roof? Well, simply stated, a cool roof is one that has been designed, built, and manufactured to reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat than a standard roof. How can you achieve this effect? There are a few way: reflective materials, reflective paint, and reflective coverings. You might even consider lighter color shingles, as darker colors absorb more heat. According to, a standard or dark roof can reach temperatures of 150 degrees or more in the hot summer sun! While, a cool roof can stay about 50 degrees cooler! In a moment, let’s look at how you can achieve that result.

Next, what are the benefits of cool roofs? It can benefit your Oklahoma home or building by improving the comfort inside your home or building, reducing your energy bills, and actually decrease the Oklahoma roof temperature!

But, cool roofs can even benefit your environment here in Oklahoma. They reduce local air temperatures (see our blog about Urban Heat Islands), reduce power plant emissions, and reduce peak energy drain/demand on power plants.

In the next blog, we’ll look at types of roofs and how they can keep your Oklahoma City home or building cooler.

Hits: 19489

And what to look for to see if your roof is leaking. 

With all the heavy rain, strong winds, and tornadoes we've been having in Oklahoma, we thought we'd add this information to our website to help you determine if your roof is sound. We live here - and we get it!

Some of the common causes of roof leaks:

Taking care of these immediately can be the difference between doing a quick, inexpensive repair and a major, expensive restorationb2ap3_thumbnail_17414556_s.jpg

  1. Valleys are Leaking: The valleys of a roof are where 2 sections or planes of a roof meet. If they are not sealed properly, rainwater can get inside the roof as the water runs down the valleys. Look for wet spots that run along the seams/valleys of your roof. Lots of rain or ice can cause the sealing to erode. These are often the reason behind roofing leaks. Fixing this is a complex process, so make sure you call a roofing professional to help you.
  2. Cracked Flashing: Flashing is a vital part of your roof that creates a water-resistant barrier. These are installed under your shingles and at the joints of your roof to create water run-off sections. If you see any cracks, perhaps the material used to seal the flashing can have corroded. It’s important you have this fixed ASAP. So, check your flashing on a routine basis. Look at the flashing around your chimney, vents, and roof sections.
  3. Vent Booting is Cracked: Your roof vents are the small, pipe-like objects sticking up out of your roof. They release excess moisture from your attic and home. If this area leaks, you may see dark spots and smell mustiness. What has probably happened is that the flashing around the vent or the robber boot around it has broken or decayed.
  4. Broken Shingles: This can be pretty easy to see. Look for missing shingles (noticeable by different colored patches between shingles). You may even see them around the exterior of your building/house after a heavy storm, such as we get here in Oklahoma. Here’s a handy idea: when you get your roof redone or repaired, ask for some extra shingles. In this way, you’ll have them on hand for emergencies.
  5. Improperly Installed Skylights: We see this often. And, it’s not necessary! This occurs when you see wet spots around the inside of your skylight. This can happen from problems with the flashing, poor measuring and fitting of the skylight, or even decayed insulation around the edges of the skylight.  
  6. Moisture in Your Attic: We often see attics that are not properly ventilated, particularly if any external vents have been covered with plastic bags in the winter! It is critical that you keep your attic well ventilated ALL year ‘round. We have a blog article about proper roof ventilation and why it’s so critical. Suffice it to say here in this brief list, if you smell anything musty in your attic or see moisture or mold inside it, chances are that condensation has been trapped inside your attic. Make sure all of your roof vents are working properly. We install some very efficient roof vents to help protect your home! Also, if you do see mold inside the home, you may need to call a professional to look at it and test it.
  7. Ice Dam Buildup: We’ve talked about these in other blog posts. An ice dame is ice that forms at the edge of your roof. It prevents water from running off of your roof. Even the weight of the ice dam can damage your roof! Ice dams form when the heat from your building causes snow to melt, so that it runs down the roof. When this melted water meets the below freezing exterior air, it refreezes once it hit’s the roof’s exterior edge. You can purchase a roof rake and remove the lower area of snow from your roof edge. This is always a good idea! Or, if you do see some ice forming at the edge of your roof, you may want to treat it with an ice melt product that is specifically made for your roof.
  8. Cracked Chimney: Because the mortar is just a mixture of water, sand, and cement, it can erode pretty easily in our Oklahoma weather conditions. If you see any cracks, holes, loose flashing or shingles near the roof, cracks between the bricks, any water inside or near your fireplace, or any other signs of wear, we recommend you immediately call a professional to handle the repairs – especially before using the chimney again!
  9. Clogged Gutters: While clogged gutters may look innocent, they can cause roofing problems. Look for leaves or debris sticking out of your gutters and/or clogged or slow running downspouts. Since the entire purpose of a gutter is to help water move away from the roof and building, blocks mean that the water isn’t moving away properly. It can cause water to pool on the roof or seep through small cracks. We often put screens or gutter guards to protect the gutters from debris, but you’ll still need to clear them out from time to time. We also recommend you install specially made screens for the top of your downspouts. We recommend you clean your gutters at least twice a year.
  10. Wear and Tear from Heavy Traffic on the Roof: This is usually reserved for commercial roofs that have a lot of equipment on them, but with the growing popularity of flat roofs for homes, we want to include home owners in this brief discussion. This one actually makes a lot of sense: if you have heavy foot traffic on your roof, it may cause de-grading of the roofing product, resulting in leaks. We recommend all commercial and residential flat roofs be inspected by a professional each year. This can save you a lot of money!

We hope these tips will help you keep your roof in the best shape possible.

We also know that May weather in Oklahoma can be VERY hard, if not disastrous, on a roof. As always, if you have any concerns about your roof, please call us! We’d be happy to advise you and help where possible.


Hits: 24451

VentSure® 4-Foot Strip Heat & Moisture Ridge Vents with Weather PROtector® Moisture

One of Owens Corning’s ventilation products that works well is their VentSure® 4-Foot Strip Heat & Moisture Ridge Vents work with VentSure® intake vents and/or VentSure® InFlow® intake vents to help improve air flow through the attic. These vents are flexible enough to conform to almost any type of roof slope. Their unique baffle design and Weather PROtector® moisture barrier to help provide outstanding performance.

Their unique flat baffle design improves the air flow by keeping debris from impacting the performance of the vent. Their corrugated ridge design and interlocking feature allow for both strength and flexibility. They are able to work well on almost any roof pitch, providing a strong and uniform ridgeline.

Ask us about these and other roof venting products.

To Cool Your Oklahoma Roof VS_rigidvent.jpg

Hits: 21987

We love the natural, weathered shake look of these synthetic wind and hail resistant tiles. They look like nicely weathered cedar planks and are made with DaVinci Roofscapes proprietary blend of natural wood hues and textures. But, they are also Class A Fire retardant, long-lasting, and durable in extreme temperatures. They even resist ice melting and refreezing. These synthetic, durable roofing tiles are also available in colors and materials that help reduce heating and cooling costs and that meet LEED-NC and ENERGY STAR requirements.

ENJOY! There are more color palettes than those shown below. Call us if you do not see a color you like. We can provide you with custom colors and blends.

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If you are looking for a truly upscale, custom look roof for your residential roofing or your commercial roofing project, look no further. This fancy synthetic shake look roofing tile is available in a broad spectrum of cedar wood look blends, creating a very natural color variance for your roofing project. They are very realistic, yet much more durable than actual cedar roofs. These impact resistant, wind resistant, and Class A Fire rated roofs can also be purchased in colors that help keep your home or office cool. Below we show you a small sample of color blends that are available to meet your most custom needs. Many more color blends are available, so if you do not see what you want, please call us.


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These composite shake tiles are formulated to provide a full spectrum of authentic cedar tones, creating a natural look roof that is durable and resistant to weather in Oklahoma. They are also available in cool roof colors to help reduce heating and cooling costs. These cool roof synthetic shake look tiles meet LEED-NC and Energy Star specifications.

Below, find some beautiful mixes of impact and wind resistant shake-look synthetic tiles.

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When we at Curb Appeal Roofing Construction held our latest Home & Garden show booths, these impact and wind resistant roofs were a real hit! Home owners and commercial building owners both loved the durability and good looks for their Oklahoma roofs. The designs look like real shake shingles and enhance both your residential roof and your commercial roof. DaVinci makes blends of shake shingles that look like authentic cedar. The colors are formulated from real wood tones, giving a natural color variance and enhancing the value of your Curb Appeal!

Below, find some single-width shake look shingles.

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DaVinci Roofscapes have developed a synthetic roofing tile named Bellaforte tile that are made in a full spectrum of authentic slate colors. The Bellaforte style is made up form natural slate tone blends that look realistic and enhance your building. These impact resistant and wind resistant durable roofing tiles look like slate. They work well for both commercial roofing projects and residential roofs. Below, find some samples of Bellaforte roofing tiles that are impact and wind resistant.


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Hits: 7227

We've added pages discussing DaVinci RoofScapes beautiful synthetic slate roofing tiles. They are available in authentic slate colors. The texturing and detail of each tile is realistic. But, this lasts long, is impact and wind resistant, is able to manage temperature extremes, and has a Class A fire rating. Below, find some samples of these tiles. but, remember, you can mix up the colors for additional beautiful results on your Oklahoma Residential roof or on your Oklahoma Commercial roofing project.

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Experience + Expertise + Certification + Licensed = Client Satisfaction

Our company has well over 35 years as a roofing and siding contractor in Edmond, OK. Curb Appeal Roofing Construction Company is one of a few GAF certified roofing companies that has been serving the roofing and exterior construction needs of Oklahoma. Throughout our construction history, Curb Appeal Roofing Construction has remained focused on customer satisfaction and delivering the highest quality construction product available from repairs to new construction and replacement. It is for this reason Curb Appeal Roofing Construction has become a roofing leader among Norman, Moore, Stillwater, Edmond and Edmond Roofing Companies. Our licensed, Insured and Certified roofers service roofs throughout Oklahoma. We do all types of Roofs, Siding, Gutters and Fencing.