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Curb Appeal Roofing Construction is Expert at Roofing New Projects and Reroofing - Even Repairs in Oklahoma

FAQ: Insurance & Hail Damage

Q: What if the Insurance Company Denies, Delays or Low-Balls?
example of roof damageA: In my experience, most of the times the insurance company does the right thing. Sometimes, the insurance company will have an “independent” engineer or roofer come to inspect the roof. That “independent” engineer or roofer may say that the roof has no damage...the insurance company may deny the claim ... The insurance company’s “no,” is not the end of the inquiry…it is just the beginning.

Click here to find out what to do if your insurance company says "no".

Curb Appeal Roofing Construction

We are an Oklahoma based roofing and construction company with over 35 years of experience.

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GAF Timberline® Cool Series Shingles

Posted by on in 3. Oklahoma Roofing and Construction
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Cool RoofThese shingles from GAF are highly reflective and help reduce temperatures in your attic. Cool roofs can save homeowners and business owners up to 7-15% on total cooling costs. (Depending, of course, on other factures such as climate, HVAC, type of roof, utility rates, etc.  

These shingles have specially designed roofing granules that have greater reflective properties than traditional shingles. This help keeps heat out of your attic and keeps you cooler all summer long. Additionally, the Timberline® Cool Series® Shingles are made with GAF’s patented StainGuard® algae protection!

How do they work? The cool roof minimizes the solar heat gain of a building by first reflecting incoming sun rays and then quickly re-emitting the remaining absorbed portion. What’s more attractive for home and office owners, these Oklahoma roofs can be cool roofs without having to use white granules! The granules actually reflect the light to lower the roof temperature and help you feel cool.

Below are 3 homes using these cool roof shingles.

Cool roof for Oklahoma City by GAF in Barkwood.jpg

Cool Roof for Oklahoma by GAF in Weathered_Wood.jpg

Cool reflective roof for Oklahoma by GAF in Antique_Slate.jpg


Experience + Expertise + Certification + Licensed = Client Satisfaction

Our company has well over 35 years as a roofing and siding contractor in Edmond, OK. Curb Appeal Roofing Construction Company is one of a few GAF certified roofing companies that has been serving the roofing and exterior construction needs of Oklahoma. Throughout our construction history, Curb Appeal Roofing Construction has remained focused on customer satisfaction and delivering the highest quality construction product available from repairs to new construction and replacement. It is for this reason Curb Appeal Roofing Construction has become a roofing leader among Norman, Moore, Stillwater, Edmond and Edmond Roofing Companies. Our licensed, Insured and Certified roofers service roofs throughout Oklahoma. We do all types of Roofs, Siding, Gutters and Fencing.